September 2024 - June 2025

Registration Fee: $85 for each family. This includes Vimeo access to our Spring 2025 Performance video.

Tuition is based on 32 weeks of classes and is determined by the number of class hours. Cost of tuition is pro-rated based on increased hours, and/or siblings taking classes. Non-refundable payments are made quarterly and are due by the 15 th of September, November, January and March.

Performance Fee includes 2 tickets for the Spring Performance, one show t-shirt, Technical and Dress Rehearsal and Performance on stage, show program, costume(s) . The Performance Fee is based on the # of classes.

Hour Season Price Quarterly Payment # of Classes Performance Fee
 45 minute  $504  $126  1  $175
1 hour  $672  $168 2  $280
 1 hour 15 minutes  $822  $205.50 3  $385
1 hour 30 minutes  $972  $243 4  $490
1 hour 45 minutes  $1122  $280.50 5  $595
2 hours  $1272  $318 6  $700
3 hours  $1824  $456 7  $805
4 hours  $2304  $576 8  $910
5 hours  $2720  $680 9  $1015
6 hours  $3072  $768 10 $1120
7 hours  $3360  $840
8 hours  $3776  $944
9 hours  $4032  $1008
 10 hours  $4320  $1080

*Class hours with an additional 1/4 increment is $120/season or $30/quarter

Family Discount:      The first student is full price; additional students discount 10%.

Late Fee:                       $20/month for outstanding balances after the 15th of each month.

Returned Checks:     $25 fee

Calendar:                      Classes run from September 16, 2024 – June 9, 2025

Character Fees

Dancers in grade 5 or higher, who take at least 2 Studio D classes, are invited to audition for a character role in our spring performance. Audition cost is $10 at the time of audition. If a dancer is cast in a character role, there is an additional character and costume fee. Depending on the role a dancer gets, there is a character rehearsal fee to cover the additional rehearsal time for that role. See the fee schedule below.

Character Rehearsal Fees Fee
Solo part in multiple pieces $65
Solo or duet $55
Group roles of 3-5 dancers $45
Group roles of 6+ dancers $40

Financial Obligation Contract

The operation of any endeavor falls heavily on its financial support.  Therefore, it is important that all parents understand that the payment of tuition(s) and all other charges is important for the well being and success of this studio.  Timely payments are not only an obligation and a sign of the support that we expect from our families, but also, a necessity for the continuing operation of Studio D.  Arrears over $500, will result in a conference with the Director and Office Manager who will determine what course will be taken.  I understand my financial obligation and agree to pay my tuition and charges when due.